Support our ministry impact by making a kingdom investment.
Thank you for your generous support!
The Bible encourages all believers to practice the habit of planned giving as a way to live generously as well as manage their money well. Below are the 4 areas that we hope become a part of your committed generosity each month. Please prayerfully determine the amount you will give and enjoy the experience of generous, cheerful giving.
Tithe - returning the first 10% of our income to God.
Since the tithe belongs to God, we bring it to God's house and return it to Him. In return, God promises to provide, protect, bless, and prosper us when we honor Him with the tithe of all our increase.
Offering (Stewardship Giving).
Giving to the operational needs of Progressive Baptist Church.
Elevators (Vision Giving).
Giving to resource the vision and future of Progressive Baptist Church. Our vision is to finish paying off our current building and raising funds to build a full service sanctuary, education facility and fully functional community center to bless the members of Progressive Baptist Church and the citizens of Indianapolis.
Heart for the House (Generous Giving).
Our annual, one time, sacrificial, best gift offering to fund our missions and benevolence ministries.